What Is Inside a Couch Cushion?
Summary: There are various types of foams that are made for today’s couch cushions. Here’s what you’re really leaning against.
If the foam inside your couch cushions is starting to wear down, it’ll begin disintegrating and lose its ability to hold weight and pressure. Sagging cushions aren’t just an eyesore, but they can turn any furniture item into an old and tired product.
This guide is designed to showcase what’s inside a couch cushion, so you can determine what type of foam you need that fits your comfort.
Polyurethane is a product of petroleum and commonly found in most couch cushions today. Hands-down, this is the most common type of foam. Available in a wide number of grades that indicate both their firmness and shelf life, you’ll often find polyurethane from foam distributors, retail stores, and specialty stores. Because it contains petroleum, it may not be considered as eco-friendly as other foam types.
Poly-Fill or Down
Cushions that are wrapped with poly-fill or down can be very beneficial for the user. They’ll often give the off the look of a down-filled seat cushions but have the comfort of a standard piece of foam. The inner core of foam will determine how firm or soft the couch cushion is as well.
What Are the Different Foam Types?
Foam is rated by its use. For example, you’ll often find foam that is rated as high resilience, which is a premium type of cushion foam with a density of roughly 3 pounds per cubic food. You also have latex foam, which is comprised of rubber, unlike polyurethane, and can have a density of anywhere between 3 to 15 pounds per cubic foot. Then, you have memory foam, which many people familiar with, which is a type of polyurethane foam that is manufactured to produce a high level of density.
Blog submitted by The Foam Factory: The Foam Factory carries high-quality foam products like foam seat cushions and more. To learn more, visit The Foam Factory online today.